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Term 4

Elmer and World Book Day

This term, our focus book is Elmer. So far we have enjoyed listening to the book and carrying out activities relating to the book. We have used paints and collages to create our own Elmer, made biscuits with the colours of the rainbow and talked about differences.


This term also sees us celebrate World Book Day and the children have made a fabulous effort to dress up as their favourite characters. We have had lots of the children's favourite books shared during storytime.


As the term goes on we will add on some pictures of the things we have done and what we have learnt.


“Elmer was different. Elmer was patchwork. Elmer was yellow and orange and red and pink and purple and blue and green and black and white. Elmer was not elephant colour”


"That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet."

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